iPhone 4 video

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iPhone 4 video

Post by Lex »

Hey guys! I tested the iPhone 4's video editing for Jolt Country. It's alright.


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Post by Worm »

Good point Bobby!

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Post by ChainGangGuy »

It sure is good to hear from both Lex and Worm again.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »


There's some stupid fucking ad from AT&T where a couple produce the 57th President of the United States, because a guy is able to switch his train ticket instantly, on "America's Fastest Network."

Completely coincidentally, I was trying to open text messages on my iPhone for the third time this morning before it crashed. It stayed on a blank screen for the entirety of the 30 seconds of the commercial. It was just a nice reflection of reality and how AT&T ACTUALLY THINKS the devices that use their godawful network run.

90% sure I go for an Android phone with whichever carrier has the fewest customers next time. But really... the iPhone having a single button on it, on front - I can't do it any more. I can't hold my finger on the screen to "paste" because they won't put a "paste" button on it. It really is completely under-designed.

There's one physical button on the iPad as well, right? If so, that's completely indefensible. That's what's stopped me from getting one, and I definitely need some kind of laptop or tablet PC.
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Post by Flack »

My iPad is identical to my iPod, except that it's bigger (physically) and has more storage. The iPad doesn't have any of the cool hardware that I've got used to having on my iPhone: there's no GPS, no camera, and (on my model) no 3G.

I downloaded and installed AirPlayer for the iPad today and it's like the entire point of the device clicked. With it, i can stream music, movies and photos from my server to my iPad. It works on uPNP, which I already had set up, so all I had to do was launch the app and it was like, "oh, here's your shit, let's watch it together." And suddenly this little flat thing that I've been trying to justify buying just got really cool, really quick.

There's a new Wordpress app that will supposedly let you update your blog from your iDevice, but unfortunately my password is 20 random characters that includes a bunch of punctuation marks, I don't feel like typing it in, and when I e-mailed it to my iPad, I can't cut/paste it because the thing is too stupid to cut the whole line and automatically stops at each punctuation mark. So yeah, there's that.

AT&T is the best cell provider in my area. I know people who have Verizon and it's terrible here. Pretty much everybody I know and call has AT&T. In fact, I have like four billion years worth of minutes saved up because the only people I call are on AT&T cell phones, which doesn't use minutes. It's a different story when I travel, though. I got shit for service in NYC and it wasn't all that much better in downtown Denver.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I should remember that AT&T isn't terrible everywhere. The Milker and I had a great exchange recently, though. His haunted house is near my (non-haunted) house, and as he was driving up to it, he said on the phone:

"Hey, I'm just passing your house right no--" CALL DROPS

He's on AT&T as well. I live in a goddamned dead zone Flack!
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Here's how copy and paste ought to work on the iPad / iPhone:

- Click a button that does not current exist
- Highlight the text to be copied with your finger. PAINT it, rather than use that awful, awful box that you expand, which never works
- Go to wherever you want to paste the thing, and touch your finger to the area
- Click the aforementioned non-existing button

It's really unbelievable to me that the last iPhone and current iPad doesn't have a separate button for copying and pasting stuff. Ya gotta copy and paste stuff nicely to be taken seriously, JOBS.
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Post by hygraed »

I bought my first iPod touch in November of 2008. At the time, despite missing a lot of features that really should have been included from the beginning (like copy/paste), it ran like a well-oiled machine. I could go weeks without rebooting it and not experience any sluggishness or crashes. I've since upgraded to a model with twice the RAM and a faster processor, and as they've added more functionality to the OS over the years it's gotten progressively more unstable. I find myself having to reboot every couple of days because Apple apparently can't figure out how to do proper memory management and trash collection, and I'm noticing apps crashing almost every day as they try and fail to allocate the RAM they need. I'm not sure whether the increased functionality is worth the headache.

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Post by Flack »

Don't get me wrong -- AT&T far from perfect here. I pass two dead spots on the way home every day. Of course, the first is when leaving work when I pass between three giant spinning radars the size of your house. If you were on a phone call before passing them, you won't be afterwards. The second is at I-40 and Morgan road, aka "truck stop hell". Some IDIOT decided it would be a good idea to build giant truck stop on not one, two, or three, but all four corners of that intersection. It is literally a madhouse where meth-fueled truckers drive through the stop lights whenever they please because THEY AM BIG SO MOVE DERRRR. I don't know if it's a lack of cell towers right there, or simply the fact that there are 500 CBs in operation there at any given time. Breaker one-nine this is iPhone wanting my signal back, copy that Frito Bandito.

I work next to this, by the way. I'm glad I already had all my kids because I'm pretty sure I'm sterile by now.


Switching gears ... I have an older iPod Touch and I never have to reboot it. The only problem with it is, and I assume this is because I use SharePod and not iTunes, that occasionally the database gets out of sync and all you can do at that point is copy all your music off, erase the database, and then copy it all back. It's a long pain in the ass to do when you have 30 gig or so of crap on there. Sometimes it's the index that gets messed up and sometimes it just keeps albums on there after you've already deleted them. Either way the solution, while time consuming, is simple.

When copy/pasting text, can you actually drag those end bars? If so, I didn't know that. That might actually solve my stupid problem. But yeah, why you can't highlight to select text seems like a no-brainer. It's like it was designed by someone who never used a word processor before.
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Post by hygraed »

You can edit the selection by dragging the end bars. The reason you can't just swipe to select text is that that gesture is reserved for precise cursor placement: drag your finger around on some text and the loupe pops up showing you exactly where the cursor is. I can't really think of a better way they could have handled text selection, to be honest.

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Post by Tdarcos »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hahah.

There's some stupid fucking ad from AT&T where a couple produce the 57th President of the United States, because a guy is able to switch his train ticket instantly, on "America's Fastest Network."
Let's see, right now, Barama is 44th, I think. so if every one has 4 years, the 57th President is 52 years from now, who is sworn in roughly in 2063, I would be 102, so I suspect I and almost everyone here will be dead or very, very old.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

hygraed wrote:You can edit the selection by dragging the end bars. The reason you can't just swipe to select text is that that gesture is reserved for precise cursor placement: drag your finger around on some text and the loupe pops up showing you exactly where the cursor is. I can't really think of a better way they could have handled text selection, to be honest.
Without a separate button one can press to tell the OS "I'm in copy / paste mode" that is the best they could do, yeah. I'm just rrrr nnnghhing about how it needs more buttons.

rrrr! nnnggghhhh!!!!! -- Me
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Post by Flack »

In Windows, a single-click denotes focus, a double-click selects a single word, and a triple-click highlights a paragraph.

That's all I'm asking for.

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