AArdvark's Snowblower project

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AArdvark's Snowblower project

Post by AArdvark »

In response to the major snowstorm America is experiencing I have decided to add a snowblower to my vast arsenal of snow removing equipment ( currently (1) one long handled shovel.)

This thread will capture the magic of snow blower refurbishment for the world to see!

This is the project specimen.

Hmmm, looks like someone tried to use it as a roto-tiller.

Wow, that can't be good

Looks like it's been occupied for a while also

And the electric start plug has been rigged with an extension cord. Not too cool when it's right next to the gas tank.

First thing I did was to pull the engine. That's in good shape. I understand it even runs. of course there's always one bolt that's impossible to access. It must be a manufacturing law or something.

Drain out the oil. Don't want that making a mess.

Luckily, this engine is almost exactly the same as my last snowblower. This one has all the covers and stuff. YAY!

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Post by AArdvark »

Craigslist has a dearth of usable snowblower bodies in my price range.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Hey, I am going to be in New York before too long. I keep forgetting to write you an e-mail. Da King and/or Jethro didn't contact you, did they?
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Post by AArdvark »

First I've heard of it. If you post on Groucho there might be an offside chance that everyone will see it. Better off posting a private message to everyone on Facebook, America's BBS. What festivities are being planned? Sure wish Strong museum would drag out their videogames again. It's Tinkertoys now instead of Legos, Hoo-boy! Would settle for Japanese Bomberman and beers, tho.

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Post by AArdvark »

Update: Found a Bolens 26 inch cut with a good motor (needs a carburetor) for fifty bucks. Will post pix when it arrives.


jack strawa

Post by jack strawa »

Don't tell me you're giving up on the old heap!

Also: You posted at 4:20 am. huhuhghuhjghghhghgghghgg

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Post by AArdvark »

Between the two non-working machines I can come up with a decent working one, no problem. I'm sure it has more than just a missing carburetor. Those engines are notorious for crank arm failures. That's what happened to my last two 8 horse Techumseh engines. It's like that 'untested' floppy disc on Ebay thing. Joe yard-junk salesman knows it will never run but doesn't want to let on he knows.

Don't know about the time thing as I went to bed around eleven last night. Something about Greenwich mean time that messes with the local posting time. Or that this BBS is set to the mountain time zone for some reason.


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Post by AArdvark »

Here it is, Almost an exact model of my last snowblower. Engine looks solid hopefully now I'll have two working motors. Backup is good!


Body is in good shape also. When it unfreezes I will know more.

Look! This still has the handlebar warmers! Gonna make them suckers work this time!


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

When you say it was occupied.... was that rats? Did it have rats?
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Post by AArdvark »

Some nesting animal. I assumed field mice as that was where it had been stored. It was un occupied by the time I got it.

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Post by Flack »

I just wanted to say that I have never physically touched a snow blower, nor do I know anyone who owns one. It looks like a rototiller. I was expecting something that looked more like a leaf blower. Regardless, I look forward to the results!
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Post by AArdvark »

I could have sworn I saw AT-ATs in your snow infested yard. Never touched a snow blower with accumulation like that?

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Post by js »

I gotta get one too. At first I thought I was slick with the tire chains and snow blade on the lawn tractor but in reality you feel pretty stupid out there pushing the same bit of snow back and forth.. give me a plain ol shovel any day

where it's at is the snowblowers on the front of the tractor, yeah baby

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Post by AArdvark »

Spent some quality time in the basement tonight.

First, a look at all the necessary tools.

Next disassemble the engine and have a look

ugh. get some carb cleaner on that and let it soak.


One hour later (with a little elbow grease)


Could eat fried spam out of that sucker.


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Post by AArdvark »

Sure would be nice to have that together and working right now.

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Post by AArdvark »

OK, motor is on the beast and started right up. Did a 30 second test run and discovered the need for new belts. Also have to tweak the carb a little bit. No stable idle yet. After I am triple sure I won't need it again (maybe mid-April at this rate) I'll take it apart again and start the restoration. here's video of my last snowlower for comparison.

This was two or three years ago.

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Post by AArdvark »

See! SEE! I knew better than to take the engine off the beast again. I was all set because I figured that winter was done. Glad that I resisted the urge.

Test run #2 went pretty good. Belts are slipping and squealing like a pR0n video, but I knew that already. The idle problem is caused by the spring linkage not being loose enough (too much rust) Which I will fix later this week. Electric start is cool! Never had that before. I will steal an industrial start button from work and install it.

Oh yeah, I decided on a name:

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Post by Tdarcos »

AArdvark wrote:Image

Could eat fried spam out of that sucker
I don't know why, but it reminded me of Tom Servo from Mystery Science Theatre 3000
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Post by Tdarcos »

AArdvark wrote: I'll take it apart again and start the restoration. here's video of my last snowlower for comparison.

This was two or three years ago.
Your scene reminded me exactly of the scene where they introduce the eponymous star of the movie "The Big Bus". I remember going to the theatre when it came out. Coincidentally (if you notice the destination plate on the bus, it says "Non-Stop New York to Denver") I was in Denver when the movie came out. I even saw the bus, it was at the Los Angeles Trailways station when I was traveling to Denver. The station scene at the opening of the movie, (supposedly in New York, does not appear in this clip) was filmed there.

This was from thirty-three or thirty-four years ago.

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