The Wanker pointed out that a number of the attendees were overweight, child like, and from a distance felt immature since their clothing style consisted of long brim fedoras and "Lying Macross Fan #1" T-shirts.Wanker wrote: Dude... The otaku's did made a good showing tonight
For stating the obvious, this comment receives...
---Zero Out of Five Stars---
Mang... MANG MOTHERFUCKER!Wanker wrote: But mang, they are all heavy set and probably lovers of the animal kind: didn't they just come from their parent's basement?
---Zero Out of Five Stars---
The Wanker has a large beard, a ponch, and a straw hat and.... Is joining the airforce? What I couldn't impart is that there was a moment of silence before and after this statement, for he was forced to consider this answer and him and the four friends he was with let it hang there tiredly in the air. So while I'm sure he'll be bringing his Pokemon cards to basic training and I can understand that he is probably desperate and looking for a way out of his life, he is a sad little hick for trying to take his alotment and work his hobbies into it.Wanker wrote: What am I doing in California? Waiting for the airforce, they have a four month (no, not year!) waitlist for bootcamp but ya man, I'm going to take out a troop just to do my [dark ages] reenactments with. Sure they have anime nights there too man... Gonna be like being home except I'm getting paid
For being sad yet still annoying, he receives...
---One Out of Five Stars---
One point for being aware of the state of the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy but minus three points for being a bigoted, dumb Wanker.Wanker wrote: No no man... I don't like having to be in there with maggots now but man, I doubt they could keep their hands off me
---Negative Two Out of Five Stars---
The Wanker and his friends laughed loudly (from the gut, bloody christ) at a death scene that was fairly ominous and a little humorous if you knew the background of the characters but kept laughing and then talked back to the goth guy who put him down, then me, when we asked him to shush it.Wanker wrote: Man, if were annoying you just see the next showing
And this was a one time, special screening.
--- Theres a Cold Place in Hell waiting for you, You Wanker out of Five Stars---
And no, security was not an option: everyone was in that cinema for a specific purpose and if we interupted it, there was going to be no next showing (plus a few people next to me had alcohol... Delicious with a film but also amounts to having the underpaid usher going turncoat and asking for a Mike's Hard Lemonade to let you stay in the theater).
Lesson learned....
Pirate unreleased film and screen at friend/videophile's house. No need to sneak in alcohol and can body check Wanker's who Will Not Shut Up.