No offense to anyone with a dickbutt tattoo, but it would not be a good look for me.
This has gone on long enough. Roody Yogurt entrusted me to build him a fresh PC using parts that he had acquired. It has been several months since I said I would do it. There was a major problem with the power supply we purchased (well, he purchased it, but it was sent to my house and I recommended it) -- it fried the motherboard. I have since taken my old Windows XP machine and reconfigured it to use the new video card, sound card and hard drive he brought to the table.
I am tired of not being able to set and finish goals for myself. I am currently re-installing Ubuntu on it. As long as there's no Ubuntu bug that goes like "On version 10 it blows up motherboards" we're all good. But EVEN IF it does that, I will scramble and get it configured correctly and shipped. I'm not fucking around here.
My girlfriend has a couple tats (oh yeah!) and she has been supportive of me getting one if I ever chose to do so. Here's a picture of dickbutt:

The stakes are set, gentlemen.