Retro PC Game Packs

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Retro PC Game Packs

Post by Flack » currently has a flood of "Retro PC Game Packs", divided by year. I grabbed all of them (1980-1993) and sorted them out. I haven't finished cleaning up all the file/folder names and deleting the dupes, but this is a rough list of what's in there.

!1980s tiny warez pack
!Saved Games
007 Licence to Kill
10th Frame Bowling
2400 AD
3000 AD BattleCruiser Preview-PHM
3D Games Construction Kit II
3D Pool (1990)
3D World Tennis
3-Demon (c) John D Price (1984)
4D Sports Boxing
4D Sports Tennis
7 Cities Of Gold
7Up - The Cool Spot
8Ball Deluxe Serial Fix
A Nightmare on Elm Street
A-10 Tank Killer (Enhanced)
A320 Airbus USA Edition
Aaargh (c) Arcadia (1988)
Abandoned Places
ABC Monday Night Football
Ace of Aces
Aces of the Pacific
Aces over Europe
Aces over Europe Patch A
Advantage Tennis
Air Ball (c) Microdeal (1987)
Air Combat Classics
Air Duel
Air Force Commander
Air Traffic Controller 2
Airbone Ranger
Airbus A320 European Mission Disk
Alien Breed
Alien Poker
Alien Syndrome
Aliens of Gold Fix
All Points Bulletin
Alley Cat
Alone In The Dark 2
Alphabet Blocks
Altered Beast
Amazing Spider-Man (c) Paragon Software (1989)
Amazon Guardians Of Eden
Ambush At Sorinor
American Gladiators
Ancient Art of War
Ancient Art of War at Sea
Andromeda Conquest
Another World
Anti Ballistic Missile
Anwender Programme
Apache Strike (c) Sentinent Software (1987)
APB (c) Domark (1989)
Apple Panic Brotherbund
Arcade Volleyball
Arctic Fox
Arkanoid (c) Nova Logic (1988)
Arkanoid 2 Revenge of the Doh
Armour Alley
Armour Geddon Intro Addon-MOBLISS
Armour Geddon-MOBLISS
Artura (c) Mastertronic (1989)
Astro Chicken
Astro Chicken 2
Astro Dodge
Atomix (c) Thalion Software (1990)
B1 Nuclear Bomber-AVALON-HILL
Back to the Future 2
Back to the Future 3
Bad Street Brawler (c) William Rieder (1987)
Bar Games
Barbarian aka Death Sword-BCC
Bards Tale 3
Bards Tale III Theif of Fate
Bards Tale One
Bards Tale Two
Batman the Movie
Battle Chess (1988)
Battle for Midway-AVALON-HILL
BattleTech The Crescent Hawks Inception
Beginning Reading
Betrayal at Krondor
Bionic Commando
Black Box-IPCO
Bruce Lee
Budokan The Martial Spirit
California Games
Castle Adventure
Castle Adventure-MOBLISS
Castle of Dr Bain 2
Castle of Dr Brain
CD Man (1989)
Cheats - Patches - Manuals - and more
Chess 8088
Codename - Iceman
Conquests of Camelot
Conquests of the Longbow
Crack e Keygen
Crazy Cars
Crazy Nick's Budget Picks
Curse of Enchantia-DREAM
Cyrus Chess (1985)
Dam Busters
Death Track
Defender Of The Crown
Defender Of The Crown DISKIMAGES-LOW
Digger (1983)
Donkey Kong (1983)
Dungeon Master
Eco Quest
F15 Strike Eagle
Falcon AT
Formula One Grand Prix
Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist
Frogger (1984)
Front Page Sports Football Pro
Gabriel Knight
Genghis Khan
Gobliiins 1
Gobliiins 2
Gobliiins 3
Hard Hat Mack
Heart of China
Hero's Quest
Heros Quest 1
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
Hoyle's Book of Games Vol 1
Hoyle's Book of Games Vol 2
Hoyle's Book of Games Vol 3
Hoyle's Classic
Hoyle's Classic (Windows)
IBM Centipede
IBMs Alley Cat
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
Indy 500
Johnny's Castaway (Screensaver)
Jones in the Fast Lane
Jordan vs Bird One on One
Jungle Hunt
Keef the Thief
Kid's Typing
Kings Quest
King's Quest (VGA)
Kings Quest 1
King's Quest 1
Kings Quest 1 1984
King's Quest 2
Kings Quest 2 1985
Kings Quest 3
King's Quest 3
Kings Quest 3 1986
Kings Quest 4
King's Quest 4
Kings Quest 4 1988
King's Quest 5
King's Quest 5 (CD)
King's Quest 6
Kings Quest IV The Perils of Rosella-SKY
Last Ninja 2
Laura Bow II
Leather Goddesses of Phobos
Leisure Suit Larry (VGA)
Leisure Suit Larry 1
Leisure Suit Larry 1 TSC
Leisure Suit Larry 2
Leisure Suit Larry 3
Leisure Suit Larry 3 Passionate Patti
Leisure Suit Larry 5
Leisure Suit Larry 6
Lemmings 2-SKiLLiON
Lost in Time
Lost Secret of the Rainforest
Man Hunter 1 - New York
Man Hunter 2 - San Francisco
Maniac Mansion
Marble Madness
Match Point Tennis
Mega Math
Microsoft Decathlon-IBM
Might and Magic II Gates to Another World
Might And Magic One
Mixed-Up Fairy Tales
Mixed-Up Mother Goose
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (CD)
Moebius Windwalker
Montezumas Revenge
Moon Bugs
NFL Pro League Football
Night Mission Pinball
Nightmare on Elm Street
Nova 9
Nuclear War
Oil's Well
Operation Wolf
Pepper's Adventures in Time
Phantasie One
Phantasie Three
Pinball Games
Police Quest 1
Police Quest 1 (VGA)
Police Quest 2
Police Quest 3
Police Quest 4
Police Quest II-SKY
Pool v6 01
Prince Of Persia
Quest for Glory 1
Quest for Glory 2
Quest for Glory 3
Quest for Glory 4
Rack Em
Red Baron
Rescue at Rigel
Rise of the Dragon
Settlers 3
Sierra Christmas Demo 1990
Sierra Christmas Demo 1992
Silent Service
Skate Or Die-KNiFE
Slater and Charlie go Camping
Space Commander
Space Hulk Final
Space Quest
Space Quest (VGA)
Space Quest 1
Space Quest 1 1986
Space Quest 2
Space Quest 2 Vohauls Revenge
Space Quest 3
Space Quest 3 1988
Space Quest 3 The Pirates Of Pestulon
Space Quest 4
Space Quest 5
Star Wars
Stellar 7
Street Fighter-DCW
Sword of the Samurai
Tag Team Wrestling
Take-a-Break Crosswords 1
Take-a-Break Crosswords 2
Take-a-Break Pinball
Tass Times In Tonetown
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Test Drive 1
The Black Cauldron
The Colonel's Bequest
The Dungeons of Daggorath-DynaMicro
The Even More Incredible Machine
The Incredible Machine
The Incredible Machine ((Deluxe)
The Incredible Machine (More)
Thexder 1
Thexder 2
Tigers in the Snow-SSI
Time Bandit v2 0-MOBLISS
Turbo Science
Ultima 2
Ultima 3
Ultima V
Utils PC to Amiga
Ween - The Prophecy
Willy Beamish
Win Lose or Draw
Wizard Wars
Wizards Crown
Workbench Disketten
Yobi's Basic Spelling Tricks
Zak Mckracken
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders GERMAN
Zany Golf
Zork Solution
Zork The Great Underground Empire

If anyone wants any specific titles pulled down, yelp.
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Post by RetroRomper »

A torrent site I'm familiar with also provides large collections (everything from Amiga to PS2, Windows, DOS, Sinclair, etc. game / program packs) of various files. I guess the most relevant is a "DOS Compilation" that weighs in at around 350 gigs and...
Random Retro Game Collector wrote:The games are present in various formats: floppy images (people modify these rarely), CD images (these have usually the most content) and executable versions (these often contain cracks which can be useful and are instant runnable).

This collection also contains all languages, manuals, documents, images of dos games which where uploaded to UG.

The torrent collection contains:
• 916 games in iso format (1111 cd images)
• 327 games in ccd format (360 cd images)
• 39 games in 160KB floppy format (40 floppy images)
• 14 games in 180KB floppy format (14 floppy images)
• 2 games in 200KB floppy format (2 floppy images)
• 14 games in 320KB floppy format (15 floppy images)
• 239 games in 360KB floppy format (597 floppy images)
• 7 games in 400KB floppy format (10 floppy images)
• 290 games in 720KB floppy format (604 floppy images)
• 41 games in 1200KB floppy format (121 floppy images)
• 328 games in 1440KB floppy format (1155 floppy images)
• 5544 games in installed format
• 514 manual archives
• 392 document archives
• 658 image archives
• 101 crack archives
• 172 patch archives

The project will be regularly updated, but a torrent won’t be released quicker than once every year. I didn’t use torrentzip because changes will be probably too significant to make it worth and updates won’t happen too often.
This collection was assembled in about six months. If you want to help - feel free to add a comment and I promise to fix my mistakes and share it in the next release.
Casually browsing the available torrents, there appear to be compilations packs of this size mainly for the PC (as the sheer amount of games / programs released is staggering; the site covers everything from the Amstrad, OS/2, Win 3.1 to Win95) with more static (yet still over the 100+ gig marker) collections for every modern console up to the PlayStation 2. So there are other communities tending to these games, just gotta know where to look!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

How are you browsing that newsgroup these days? Just jumping in there and refreshing the group via Grabit?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Flack »

I use NewsBin, which I think it one of the best.

I pay for a UseNet account. The one I use is $13/month, which I justify as breaking even "if I get one album". I am embarrassed to admit that I "break even" about 824 times a day.
"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."


Post by CO »

Flack wrote:I use NewsBin, which I think it one of the best.

I pay for a UseNet account. The one I use is $13/month, which I justify as breaking even "if I get one album". I am embarrassed to admit that I "break even" about 824 times a day.
I should really get back into that. I really miss waking up, having a cup of coffee and going through tons of applications and entertainment that I want but don't want to pay for. Torrents are nice but harder to find and use than they used to be and the man keeps picking on anyone who wants to create a nice directory of them. Are they still doing warez over IRC too? I was always annoyed by the douchbag attitudes on display on IRC's sites. Grabit on TimeWarner's Roadrunner broadband with free usenet servers was the fucking shit about 10 years ago for me.

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