Joke on facebook = Go to jail

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Joke on facebook = Go to jail

Post by lethargic »

Has anybody else heard the story of Justin Carter?

Apparently this kid got into an argument while playing League of Legends. The argument moved over to facebook. Basically, during the argument, the other guy told Justin that he was crazy. He responded by saying "yeah, I'm crazy, I'm going to shoot up a school. LOL. J/K" You can read the complete quotes in the stories below, but that's the basics.

Well, some complete stranger from Canada ended up poking her busy body nose into it, noticed the shooting joke and reported it to the police. The police executed a search warrant, found nothing, but arrested him anyway for making a "terroristic threat" and slapped him with a $500,000 bond. The family can't afford that so he's been sitting in jail since February. Over. A. Joke. On. Facebook. ... ok-comment# ... 42770.html

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Post by AArdvark »

This country is kinda uptight about things. It's really sad.

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Post by RealNC »

You can sell shotguns at Walmart and all is fine. Tell a joke on FB, go to jail.

What the hell are you people doing over there?

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Post by pinback »

RealNC wrote:You can sell shotguns at Walmart and all is fine. Tell a joke on FB, go to jail.

What the hell are you people doing over there?
I know, right, it's totally crazy over here!
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Post by RealNC »

Do you want me to start posting links with gang wars in ghettos? :-P

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Post by AArdvark »

Gang wars on FB! Now that's social networking.


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Post by lethargic »

I have two things I really don't understand.

1 - Why is this not a huge story? The only time it's been on TV that I know of was a 3 minute piece on The Today Show. Why isn't this getting more press? The media are wasting hours and hours and hours trying to push this idiotic George Zimmerman non-story on the world, while stuff like this is just not talked about at all. This is like that time Obama blamed Benghazi on a youtube video, the guy made the video gets sent to jail. Then it turns out it had nothing at all to do with the video yet NOBODY ever brings up the question of hey, remember dude in jail? Anybody?

2 - It doesn't seem like the parents are really doing much to get their son out. Outside of crying to anybody who will listen. They only need 50,000 to get him out. It'd seem like a kickstarter or whatever would have that raised pretty quickly, yet they start an online petition instead? Apparently they're selling t-shirts to raise money. Unless those shirts cost $1,000 a piece they're going to have to sell a lot of t-shirts to raise $50,000. Can't they get a loan? I'm sure the inevitable lawsuit will let them pay it back several times over.

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Post by lethargic »

The kid is out of jail after somebody anonymously paid the bail.

They're still going forward with the charges though.

I hate when people complain about tax money going to X.

But can you believe they're wasting tax dollars to actually prosecute this?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I heard that he had traffic violations and that is why he was in jail?

$50,000 for a non-violent offense seems excessive.
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Post by lethargic »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I heard that he had traffic violations and that is why he was in jail?

$50,000 for a non-violent offense seems excessive.
He plays League of Legends. I doubt he has a car. Otherwise he could afford a good game.

"Terroristic threats" is the charge.

I find it hilarious that all these uninformed morons are protesting a so called "travesty of justice" in the Zimmerman trial while this kid is facing 8 years in prison for a facebook comment. Maybe if he was darker people would be out marching for him.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I stopped feeling for him when I learned he played League of Legends.
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