Billy Mays wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:10 am
Tdarcos wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:22 pmNo, you did. I said I never said the above nasty thing.
You can stop playing cute now because you obviously told Flack to go fuck himself, everyone here is in agreement on that part.
But you misquoted me. I used one grawlix and you used a different one. And I think Flack knows I'm teasing. If I was serious I certainly wouldn't use a &*#@%!$ grawlix to insult him, I'd say it. You really fuckin' think I'd fuckin' insult a goddam good friend like Flack? I fuckin' think you take too many son-of-a-bitchin' things waay too goddamned seriously.
Billy Mays wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:10 am
Either way your actions were inexcusable and you owe Flack a sincere
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there a bit. I don't think Flack likes it if you proceed to put insultations in his mouth. Or wherever feelings of being insulted come from. Maybe it's the sacraliliac, whatever that is. In which case, he may not like you stuffing things in his sacraliliac. If I have insulted him - and I think he's the kind of person who understands good natured ribbing - I think if he thought I had crossed the line, he would have said so.
After all, he was being pedantic by bringing up the legality of using the term "potato chips" to refer to Pringles after I had already said the rule only applies to the manufacturer. So I decided to respond as if I thought he cared. Then I was being pedantic to you by pointing out you used a different grawlix than I did.
My whole point in not using an actual insult was to show I wasn't being serious about insulting him. And I think he understood that.
Billy Mays wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:10 am
After all the gifts he's been sending you for years and for you to act that way towards him is disgusting.
"Mehinks thou doth protesteth too much." I think "disgusting" is a bit over the top.
Billy Mays wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:10 am
You act so entitled when you don't realize how fortunate you really are.
Hold n a minute, where the
fuck is this "entitled" shit coming from? With the exception of asking for someone to send me a phone charger, I never asked for anything. I have never at any time acted like I expected anything or was entitled to
anything and, to the best of my knowledge i have always thanked people who sent me things.
Billy Mays wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:10 am
The fact that you have true friends out there who are willing to... ban the accounts of fat people who are mean to you is a blessing
Finn was a worst a mosquito bothering a T-Rex. I never asked for him to be removed. I havve a thick skin; I gave zero fucks about him being mean to me, and if anything, I thought he was fascinating, like a trainwreck. I had said I had already floccinaucinihilipilificated him (a very fancy word meaning "to examine something and determine it is worthless") and so I really didn't care one way or the other whether or not he stayed. I figured sooner or later he'd piss someone else off enough that they'd object to him.
Billy Mays wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:10 am
and it is time you start treating them like that because one day you may push them into saying go fuck yourself and then you'll have nothing.
I think you have forgotten, there is a thread here
What are my faults? for people to report problems about me, in which I have invited people to comment about me.