2022 Resolutions

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Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:39 pm

I'll make a new thread for 2023. I was probably depressed after so many pets and people were dying leading up to the start of 2022. I'm better now.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:37 pm

pinback wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:15 pm There's no way this isn't Finsternis. There can't be two people this oblivious, awkward, wrong, and fat about everything.
Good call on it being Finsternis.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by pinback » Sat Mar 26, 2022 3:00 am

odyssia76 wrote: Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:48 pm are we supposed to be impressed by your humblebraggng?
Yes, thank you.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by odyssia76 » Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:48 pm

pinback wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:22 am During my week off, I didn't tap on any of the stupid newsfeed things that came up on my phone, I didn't check any news sites, I didn't come here, and I didn't check Facebook other than to make sure my cute Mina pictures showed up. Everything was great, and I never once felt like I was missing out on anything.

I'm done with all of it. (Except for coming here.) (For now.)
Ok, well...
1) are we supposed to be impressed by your humblebraggng?
2) why was making sure some pictures got posted so important to you? If you have such a dim view of social media? Do you have a public image you like to present to the social net?

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by pinback » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:14 am

Yes, you may have to get off the couch one last time to cancel your membership. Then it's back to the ham and butter smoothies.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by odyssia76 » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:12 am

pinback wrote: Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:02 am
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:51 am(How come no group of witless nerds hasn;t tried "disrupting" gyms? A Gym You Can Cancel should be the next thing.
Planet Fitness.
It depends. Many of them are franchises, and require actual pieces of paper and/or personal visits:
Our cancellation process may vary from club to club, so the best way to begin the cancellation process is to contact your home club location to confirm the cancellation policy. For most locations, you can send a letter to your home club requesting to cancel, or you can stop by your home club and cancel in person.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by pinback » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:07 am

odyssia76 wrote: Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:37 am My friend, I could write 20 pages on what you said. I won't do that, but since you seem to be a nice guy, intelligent enough to take advice, and since i hate to see people suffer, I will say one thing:

"Dude, you're depressed". Clinically.

And yes, by that I am talking about the mental illness. If you are not being treated for it, you need to be. If you are being treated, you need a new therapist or at least a serious adjustment in meds.

What you wrote is a textbook description of all the symptons of clinical depression. Self-loathing and self-recrimination. Feeling useless, unproductive. Self-doubt. Blame. Fatigue. Listlessness. Thinking you are just weak and need to "walk it off".

Welcome to the club. Many millions suffer the exact same feelings. You aren't alone. It won't just get better and go away on its own if you just ignore it long enough.

You need professional treatment. If you aren't already in therapy, call your insurer and find some. If you are already in therapy then your therapist is doing a very bad job. Either get a new one or at lesst readjust your meds. As for finding a therapist, it's hard to really give any advice - it's pretty much pot luck if you get a good one or not. You may have to try a few before you find one you like. But having a goid relationship with your therapist is the biggest predictor of success. And definitely get a male one. Oh, and yes, dealing with depression all day can be very tiring.
ice cream jonsey wrote:I'm not looking for advice here

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by pinback » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:02 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:51 am(How come no group of witless nerds hasn;t tried "disrupting" gyms? A Gym You Can Cancel should be the next thing.
Planet Fitness. (Your closest one is a 22 minute drive, providing you're able to get out of your driveway.)

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by odyssia76 » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:37 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:51 am How come no group of witless nerds hasn;t tried "disrupting" gyms? A Gym You Can Cancel should be the next thing. Uber for Gyms.
Because they would lose their shirts. The whole business model of gyms is massive oversubscription. If even 1/3 of their members showed up regularly, they would be fucked. They know people hate the "PITA to cancel" thing, but they literally have no choice. It's all based on guilt and good intentions. If it were trivial to cancel, everyone would do it. By making it an extended process, a hassle, canceling becomes an annoying, aversive task in itself - one that can be endlessly postponed, just like going to the gym. And cancelling itself brings feelings of guilt, shame, failure, and self-loathing. It's easier to mentally skip that transaction on your card every month and feel an instant of pain than to face all the other emotions.

Can you tell that my best friend managed a gym for decades?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:51 am This is the #1 thing I hate about my life and maybe by mentioning it, something will happen. I loathe every cell of my body due to the procrastination. it has NEVER been this bad. [...] I could be productive. But I don't! I'm "tired" you see, tired from sitting in this fucking chair all day, which is stupid and nonsense. I just click around on the internet instead of being productive. [...] There are ways to get out of this. I'm not looking for advice here, I am just trying to write down what is happening so it becomes "real" and fixable. [...] The lack of progress leads to self-loathing and then everything else spirals from there. [...] I THINK the way out of this is to go on walks and jogs and at least get my body moving and take care of that part of it. But excuses are how I got into this piece of shit spiral.
My friend, I could write 20 pages on what you said. I won't do that, but since you seem to be a nice guy, intelligent enough to take advice, and since i hate to see people suffer, I will say one thing:

"Dude, you're depressed". Clinically.

And yes, by that I am talking about the mental illness. If you are not being treated for it, you need to be. If you are being treated, you need a new therapist or at least a serious adjustment in meds.

What you wrote is a textbook description of all the symptons of clinical depression. Self-loathing and self-recrimination. Feeling useless, unproductive. Self-doubt. Blame. Fatigue. Listlessness. Thinking you are just weak and need to "walk it off".

Welcome to the club. Many millions suffer the exact same feelings. You aren't alone. It won't just get better and go away on its own if you just ignore it long enough.

You need professional treatment. If you aren't already in therapy, call your insurer and find some. If you are already in therapy then your therapist is doing a very bad job. Either get a new one or at lesst readjust your meds. As for finding a therapist, it's hard to really give any advice - it's pretty much pot luck if you get a good one or not. You may have to try a few before you find one you like. But having a goid relationship with your therapist is the biggest predictor of success. And definitely get a male one. Oh, and yes, dealing with depression all day can be very tiring.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:51 am

Update for Mid-to-Late March:
1. Counting calories: A, I guess. I've done it each day. I've lost about 4.5 pounds since the start of the year and this is without really walking because I'm fucking sorry I'm not going for a walk in sub-30 temperatures. I'd join a gym except every single one does that thing where it is a pain in the ass to cancel your membership and I want to see the entire gym industry die. (How come no group of witless nerds hasn;t tried "disrupting" gyms? A Gym You Can Cancel should be the next thing. Uber for Gyms.)

2. Not buying Steam games: A. This has pleased me a lot because the discounts just don't stop. I will save hundreds of dollars when I buy my wishlist in January. And I have been just sitting most empty nights staring at the screen not playing anything, which leads to:

3. Work on Cyberganked every day: F! I'm ruining this pretty badly. I am mentally "trapped" in a situation of inaction due to a lack of discipline.

This is the #1 thing I hate about my life and maybe by mentioning it, something will happen. I loathe every cell of my body due to the procrastination. it has NEVER been this bad. I stop working somewhere between 4 and 6:30. I waste that time. I just read forums that I hate and video that are barely interesting.

Melissa comes home from work at 6:30, we spend some time together but honestly, she is in bed by 7:30 or 8 at the LATEST. Now, we get up at 5:30AM which I despise, but still, that's another two hours or so I could be productive. But I don't! I'm "tired" you see, tired from sitting in this fucking chair all day, which is stupid and nonsense.

I just click around on the internet instead of being productive. And then here is the best part - I go to bed *and fuck around on the internet some more!* I don't even get a good night's sleep most nights. If I go to bed at 9, I will read the same 8 stupid sites until midnight. And wakeup at 5:30 exhausted. I will weigh more than I did before even though I stuck to my diet due to a lack of sleep, I will be angry that I "wasted" the previous day and didn't get anything done with my hobbies and I will be tired from only 5.5 hours of sleep.

There are ways to get out of this. I'm not looking for advice here, I am just trying to write down what is happening so it becomes "real" and fixable. (I'm also a upset that I have access to probably 500 games I, in a vacuum, am interested in and would like to play... but I just... fucking..... sit here.) Maybe this helps anyone else trapped in this. The lack of progress leads to self-loathing and then everything else spirals from there.

I THINK the way out of this is to go on walks and jogs and at least get my body moving and take care of that part of it. Oh, lemme look outside at the weather - oh, another fucking 15 degree day with snow and a negative zillion windchill, awesome. But excuses are how I got into this piece of shit spiral.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:35 pm

pinback wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:22 am During my week off, I didn't tap on any of the stupid newsfeed things that came up on my phone, I didn't check any news sites, I didn't come here, and I didn't check Facebook other than to make sure my cute Mina pictures showed up. Everything was great, and I never once felt like I was missing out on anything.

I'm done with all of it. (Except for coming here.) (For now.)
He's putting all of you and me on notice!

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by AArdvark » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:03 pm

Thank God! Pinback is becoming the sum total of all of us! I only wish I could give up newsfeeds and alerts


Re: 2022 Resolutions

by pinback » Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:22 am

During my week off, I didn't tap on any of the stupid newsfeed things that came up on my phone, I didn't check any news sites, I didn't come here, and I didn't check Facebook other than to make sure my cute Mina pictures showed up. Everything was great, and I never once felt like I was missing out on anything.

I'm done with all of it. (Except for coming here.) (For now.)

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:14 am

Correct. I'm turning this ship around!!!!

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Tdarcos » Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:21 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:30 pm Ok, I am going to add one, no more negativity online. Writing it down will turn it to a goal. I've been negative to some of you lately. I'm going to try to change my posting style.
So you have decided to put a negative on further negativity. Got it.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:30 pm

Ok, I am going to add one, no more negativity online. Writing it down will turn it to a goal. I've been negative to some of you lately. I'm going to try to change my posting style.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Tdarcos » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:27 am

odyssia76 wrote: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:10 pm The real truth is that we have no idea why some people get these diseases and some don't. All we know is that smokers are more *likely* to get cancer and obese people are more *likely* to get diabetes.
Ma'am, "we" do know "why", we just don't know "how." There are a small number of people who have the gene that makes them either immune to any cancer or not susceptible to lung cancer. The rest of us do not have this gene. Or possibly the inverse, they do not have the gene for succeptibilty to cancer while the rest of us do. There are a very small number of people who can use heroin, get high, and if they stop, they don't suffer withdrawal. They either have a gene that makes them not succeptible to withdrawal or do not have the gene that has it.

Until recently - as in maybe 10-5,000 years ago - almost everyone became lactose intolerant as an adult. The common consumption of milk by adults eventually caused most of us to stop receiving the gene that causes lactose intolerance.

Syphilis used to be a horrible disease, causing pus-filled sores and killing within weeks of infection. Over time, both man and the disease mutated. We became more resistant (and developed antibiotics) and syphilis became less virulent. Now, it's possible for someone to carry syphilis for a lifetime and not even notice, except that they are a carrier and will spread it to anyone with whom they have unprotected sex or share hypodermic needles.

This change is a normal course, every entity wants to survive, and a parasite that is stupid enough to kill the host fails, as it dies with the host. "Smarter" as in having better chances to survive and multiply, either become more benign or even symbiotic with the host. The bacteria in your gut that digest your food for you are an example of a very successful organism. Not only do we feed them, but we survive long enough to reproduce and transmit them to our offspring. We both need each other to live.
odyssia76 wrote: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:10 pm Neither diabetes nor obesity is a choice, though, so being judgy about them is ignorant.
My obesity led to my wearing out my knees, which put me in a wheelchair. The near universal practice I have seen is people are usually very kind to a handicapped person. They'll get things off a high shelf in a store, they'll pull stuff out for me if I can't reach, and in one case, I wanted to purchase a soda at a store, but it was an old one with a step at the entrance. I asked one of the customers to tell the shopkeeper I wanted to buy a soda and would he come out once he finished, to help me, and they did, and then when he had no more customers, he came out.

Nobody even thinks to blame a cripple for being that way. I realize the vast majority of people have empathy and will help an obviously handicapped person, probably on the order of thinking "there but for the grace of god go I."

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Flack » Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:31 pm

Flack wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:01 am 04. Learn Sign Language / Complete Course
I've been talking about learning sign language for years now. For Christmas, Susan purchased an online instructor-led course for me.
-- Complete Sign Language course.
-- Find a way to practice sign language.

One of the two questions I missed was a matter of semantics.

Back to knocking other things off the list, or as I like to say, "...".

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Casual Observer » Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:53 pm

Casual Observer wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 1:25 am I'm going to build my company to 6 or 7 clients, not drink during the week, set up my living room computer and download all the content I need to cut the cord on at least 7 streaming shitholes.
- got company to 5 clients including newest one that found me cold on linkedin and turned out to be the new startup from a multimillionaire who founded the largest company in his industry
- still drinking during the week, potentially this next week will be the one
- living room computer is still not set up but I figured out home networking (how did I not know it's this fucking easy in 2022, I guess I haven't tried in a very long time) and can now play anything except .avi's stored on my laptop on my curvy Samsung TV (fun fact, .avi is a MSFT asset and for some fun reason Samsung can't play them).
- Cancelled: HBOMax, Disney+, Peacock, and like 3 more. Torrenting like a champ.

So entering second half of February we're baby stepping towards the goals.

Re: 2022 Resolutions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Feb 12, 2022 7:45 am

My updates
Tracking every day. A.
Cyberganked. I gotta figure some things out. F.
Steam. Haven't bought a game yet. I am using the money on other things. So the spirit of this is not there. But Feb 15 is a new pay period, so there ya go. B.
