pinback wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:22 am
During my week off, I didn't tap on any of the stupid newsfeed things that came up on my phone, I didn't check any news sites, I didn't come here, and I didn't check Facebook other than to make sure my cute Mina pictures showed up. Everything was great, and I never once felt like I was missing out on anything.
I'm done with all of it. (Except for coming here.) (For now.)
Ok, well...
1) are we supposed to be impressed by your humblebraggng?
2) why was making sure some pictures got posted so important to you? If you have such a dim view of social media? Do you have a public image you like to present to the social net?
pinback wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:15 pm
There's no way this isn't Finsternis. There can't be two people this oblivious, awkward, wrong, and fat about everything.