The Real Time Strategy Files

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Expand view Topic review: The Real Time Strategy Files

by Huggles » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:48 pm

pinback wrote:I tell you. The old JC had much better graphics than this one.
I agree with this sentiment. GREEN PURPLE AND BLACK ruled!!

by pinback » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:20 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote: "..."
Why, no, Ben, I don't think I'm being 'catty'... what makes you say that?

See, this is why I don't come here anymore. First I'm told some things IN PRIVATE, and asked not to reveal them to the public. Then I make other comments IN PRIVATE, assuming the same level of discretion.

And here I am, seeing them splaying out like a dead hooker in a motel bathroom for all the world to see.

I tell you. The old JC had much better graphics than this one.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:53 pm

pinback wrote: "..."
Why, no, Ben, I don't think I'm being 'catty'... what makes you say that?


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:45 am

Vitriola wrote:
pinback wrote:This is a man who plays and writes text adventures in his spare time.
Really? I had no idea.
Yes! It's true. In fact, there are four of them that I have made that have been independently declared in various circles to be pretty good; you remember the number "four," it's the same number of concerts I've gone to with you in my attempt to treat your hobby with interest and respect when the same is never, will never, could never and shall never be done... to mine.

I like how I don't make text games anymore, according to you lot. It's not enough that I am working hard on this new one, but somehow the ones I did previous are being UNDONE. They are being erased from the fabric of history.

I can guarantee you this much: I will complete the development of the one I am working on now before you complete playing ANY game I have ever made in my life. I would go so far as to state that I will complete the new one before you even so much as download or install one of the previous ones. In fact, I would like all future references to how I do nothing to at least be posted by Gerrit from you, because HE I feel like I am letting down. HE I feel like I am not working hard enough for. HE I feel will actually play this beast when it is complete.

OK, new rule: the only two people with access to this base are now Gerrit and myself.

by pinback » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:41 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:[Warcraft 3's graphics] are, of course, inferior.
Warcraft 2 wrote:Image
Warcraft 3 wrote:Image
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:[Warcraft 3's graphics] are, of course, inferior.
Warcraft 2 wrote:Image
Warcraft 3 wrote:Image
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:[Warcraft 3's graphics] are, of course, inferior.
Warcraft 2 wrote:Image
Warcraft 3 wrote:Image
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:[Warcraft 3's graphics] are, of course, inferior.
Warcraft 2 wrote:Image
Warcraft 3 wrote:Image

by Vitriola » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:29 am

pinback wrote:This is a man who plays and writes text adventures in his spare time.
Really? I had no idea.

by Jesse Helms » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:24 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I need a cigarette every time I go back and read it.

by Sullen teens outside 7-11 » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:23 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I need a cigarette every time I go back and read it.

by CA and NYC bars » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:22 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I need a cigarette every time I go back and read it.

by R.J Reynolds » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:22 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I need a cigarette every time I go back and read it.

by Lung Cancer » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:21 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I need a cigarette every time I go back and read it.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:19 am

pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The graphics are brighter, but are they better?
Yes, by several orders of magnitude.
That was a rhetorical question. They are, of course, inferior. But I'm glad we have someone on the BBS that goes out of his way to embarassingly answer rhetorical questions. It's nice to know that the kids who came here to stalk Keza have someone they can slum with, in terms of terrible posts.
I at least knew what was going on in WC2 at all times. I hate the graphics in WC3.
Well, then you have no business even entering into this discussion. This is like saying a steak cooked medium-well is better than a steak coo-- oh. Wait, never mind.
I have plenty of experience looking at things. But more, I have plenty of experience looking at computer graphics.

I don't know what "world" WC3 is supposed to take place in, but it's not one that is particularly engaging to look at. The graphics in #2 are crisper and more functional.

Actually, RTS as a whole is pretty much played out in 2004. I'm sort of sick of all new RTS games, to be honest with you. I hope that doesn't invalidate my entire post
No, you took care of that several paragraphs ago.
I was only kidding; my post was the most comprehensive on the subject of RTS games that anyone has ever seen. We covered a lot of territory there. I need a cigarette every time I go back and read it.

by pinback » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:08 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Actually, RTS as a whole is pretty much played out in 2004.
This is a man who plays and writes text adventures in his spare time.

by pinback » Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:55 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The graphics are brighter, but are they better?
Yes, by several orders of magnitude.
I at least knew what was going on in WC2 at all times. I hate the graphics in WC3.
Well, then you have no business even entering into this discussion. This is like saying a steak cooked medium-well is better than a steak coo-- oh. Wait, never mind.
Doesn't anyone fight during the day in Warcraft III?
Does anyone know what this man is talking about?
Actually, RTS as a whole is pretty much played out in 2004. I'm sort of sick of all new RTS games, to be honest with you. I hope that doesn't invalidate my entire post
No, you took care of that several paragraphs ago.

by Worm » Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:47 am

I've one question. If WC3 consisted of just a single race that had a palette swap would it be just as good as WC2?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:40 am

Debaser wrote:While it's obvious that you dislike Warcraft 3, I think it's safe to assume that you think Warcraft 2 is a good game. This, too, is a fundamentally flawed belief, much like a belief in fairies, or aliens, or [three point switch gag].
Hi! I'm a fish. A water-breathin' circus pogey of the highest pedigree. I've come up for air! I came up for air, and saw THIS strewn about on land.

Why, it's enough to spoil your continental breakfast. It's enough to write off land dwellers as Not Worth The Bother. It's enough to proclaim this "land lover" thing as a reprehensible offshoot of evolution that will certainly cause only malaise and suffering for every creature on the planet.

At least, it will when statements like "Warcraft II isn't a good game" is made by its denizens.

Now, I understand there is a line of thinking out there that if one game comes out that pioneers a concept and then another, more polished but otherwise very similair game comes out later that the former game is still the better one.
Yes! This is true. This must be true, because otherwise human beings would not value innovation and our lives would be cruel pantomimes of that of the brown-skinned prey people in H.G. Wells' feature film from a couple years back "The Time Machine."

Not for my race, Debaser! (I'm no longer a pogey, any more, by the way.)

However, sometimes the second or third thing to come out really is a better game. Doom wasn't the original first person shooter, but it's better than Wolfenstein 3D. Zork is better than Advent. Boon-ga Boon-ga is better than a real-life rectal exam. It happens, every once in a while.

Even a moment's rational thought can expose this as a fallacy, but I believe your problems run deeper still.
A... fallacy!?

"I disagree, your excellency." -- Trade Advisor, Civ II

I disagree, Debaser. I disagree, because it's easy for someone to take a pre-established concept and say, "You should do this with it." Anyone can do that. I'll do it. Watch me. OK? Watch me do it... seriously! Come on.


"They should have put a grainy oldtime movie picture filter on Resident Evil." -- Robb Sherwin

Ah-ha! I did it! And, as it turns out, they're gonna do just that for one of the new Silent Hill games. Congrats. (Silent Hill, the original one, isn't as good as Resident Evil, the original one, by the way, even though it really is. It just isn't.)

... I fear that my point may have been lost in all this. I am just saying that I prize innovation. Usually.

Warcraft 2 did not pioneer the concept of Real Time Strategy.
True! I would say that it made outstanding contributions to each one of the particulars that make up a RTS game, though. To wit:

Real: Oh, yes! Warcraft II definitely "keeps it real" by putting humans in there with orcs, elves, gnomes and dwarves. Aragorn is some half-elf wunderprince that lived for 200 years. Jones to Tolkien: Not human enough, maggot! Ditto the Bible.

Time: Warcraft II sucked away an enormous amount of time from me. Maybe Dune II could have done it, except that we'll never know because it's kind of shitty. Let's ask Q and A for their help on this.

Q: Is Dune II kind of a shitty game, even though it's first?
A: Acknowledged!

Q: Heh?
A: Moving out!

Q: Hahahahahahahah!
A: ... Nyaaah-hahahahahaha!!!!

Strategy: Yeah, I don't really remember how great the "strategy" was in WC2. I remember that the female elves led to great "strategy" as in, "How can I have an entire squadron of girl elves without my girlfriend who is logged into a 16-channel bulletin board in the next room finding out?"

I think, on some level, you must realize this. I mean it is called Warcraft 2 after all.
Yes, but if you are ignoring Dune then you have to let me ignore Warcraft.

The reason for it's enduring and peculiar popularity is that it just happens to be the first RTS to come out with an intuitive, useable interface.
It had a nice demo, as well, that everyone could get and play the hell out of. I'd say that aside from the Doom and Duke Nukem 3D demo, the WC2 demo was the most important demo of our time.

In other words, it's very similair to Warcraft 1, Dune 2, and probably some other, lesser known early RTS, only more polished.
Yes, but it's still a lot more fun. Plus, it looks nicer. Dune II always made me feel like I was getting suburned when I was playing it. If I wanted to feel like I was getting a tan, I'd go outside.

And what's worse, Warcraft 2 is in all meaningful ways (other than interface and presentation) a step backwards from its forefathers. Dune 2 had three different "sides", all of which had unique strengths and weaknesses.
No! WC2 is a step up! It's a step up, because they ignored that silly rock-scissors-paper thing, and just went with ROCK and PAPER. (Or maybe SCISSORS. But not all three.)

Who fights wars where there are three sides involved? Not humans. Here's a brief primer on war:

World War I: Allies vs Axis

World War II: Allies vs Axis

Viet Nam War: France vs Viet Nam

Viet Nam War 2.0: USA vs Viet Nam

French Revolution: Unwashed vs Washed

Genghis Khan's Super Real Time Adventures: Mongolia vs World

CaveWars IV: Thrackscogs vs Hrrrrrnnggggagathons

War, unless you're talking about war in Africa, which nobody really understands, is like a Hall and Oates single. Very One-on-One.

The evil red guys (I no longer remember the names of the different Houses)
This is because Dune II isn't very memorable. =(

Now, let's compare this to Warcraft 3. Better graphics and sound, more polished interface.
The graphics are brighter, but are they better? I at least knew what was going on in WC2 at all times. I hate the graphics in WC3.

Better storyline.
I don't really play these things for the story.

Three sides, each with their own unique units. No boats or transport units of any kind.
No boats? Ohhh, dear. Ooooh dear this isn't good.
Resurrectable heroes. This is quite clearly the superior game. Someone who'd never played a single RTS in their life could read an FAQ for each game and arrive at that conclusion.
It is a mess, though. There's a bunch of nonsense on the screen. It's too busy. Less is more when it comes to moving my dudes around. It's like when I did that one picture for the Awful Forums trying to depict Icewind Dale for the Atari 2600 -- Pinback said, "Well, at least I can figure out what the hell is going on out there in the 2600 version."

Doesn't anyone fight during the day in Warcraft III?

Why are things so gloomy and depressing?

And you're disagreeing based on having played Warcraft 3's opening tutorial mission and not particularly like it?
Actually, RTS as a whole is pretty much played out in 2004. I'm sort of sick of all new RTS games, to be honest with you. I hope that doesn't invalidate my entire post; I tried to make it entertaining before this terrible conclusion that we all knew was coming came.

by pinback » Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:51 am

Decaying Corpse, Green Skin Pig-Man, and Medieval Peasant wrote:)-:
Aw, c'mon babies, don't be like that! What we had is real! You know you'll always be special to me!

by Decaying Corpse » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:01 pm

pinback wrote:Women. Silly Elf women. (And, the coolest -- and hottest! -- race in the game, in this author's opinion.)

by Green Skinned Pig-Man » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:01 pm

pinback wrote:Women. Silly Elf women. (And, the coolest -- and hottest! -- race in the game, in this author's opinion.)

by Medieval Peasant » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:00 pm

pinback wrote:Women. Silly Elf women. (And, the coolest -- and hottest! -- race in the game, in this author's opinion.)
