They don't anymore, they don't.Vitriola wrote:Good thing nobody gets paid to raise princesses for potential realm-unifying marriage. Then where would you be?
It's really quite simple. The best games I have ever played deal with volunteer work. Ironic, because in real life, I hate to volunteer.
1) Zork I -- It's a game about getting treasure. In somebody's house. No, you can't quite get paid to do that! LOL!
2) X-COM -- Assembling a squad of humans to drive off aliens, research new weapons, manage a budget, keep international opinion of you high... nah, not this one either.
3) Duke Nukem 3D -- One guy blowing shit up, no. If you're an actor this can be your job, but Duke ain't acting.
4) Knight Orc -- Revenge is a dish best served cold. And without pay.
5) Doom -- Hell, the guy in Doom doesn't even get paid. He just wants to go home. (For all the good it did him, see DOOM II: HELL ON EARTH)
6) Bomberman -- I only wish that you could get paid for lobbing bombs at people.
7) Front Page Sports: Football 96 -- Technically, football players DO get paid. But I don't know if it's really a "job." Besides, my love for this game went far beyond what the average NFL athlete engaged in.
8) The Bard's Tale -- Assemble a band of d00ds and kill a wizard. NOT a job.
9) Civ II -- Hm... Technically, not a job, because the game spanns thousands of years.
10) Jailbait on the Interstate: Nah, not a job, Tracy was just trying to get home.
The proof of the love is in the sliding of the glove. I rest my case, senators.