Latest WC3 Drunken Ramblings, Part 2 (Now with LESS ALCOHOL)

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Post by pinback »

bruce wrote:Is there an echo in here?
here here...

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:Apparently that's the JC Sysop's new raison d'etre. Singling out the few quality posters he has left, and berating them, belittling their choice of lifestyle, and generally just denigrating their entire existences, with an intent both to vent, and also to cause emotional damage.
I don't really mind your choice of lifestyle. It's OK with me if you've become a sort of hermitiosexual.
(To wit: his characterization of me as "wasting" my life and squandering opportunities around every corner.)
I would just like to see you do more with things, I guess. That's all! Just grab that brass key, if you could, please. Okay. Forget the brass key. The brass lantern and the skeleton key would do nicely instead.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:Of course, this could just be due to the rather glacial, deliberate method of play I've developed over the years. ("Create a unit? Why yes, I think I will. Now let's sit back and revel in the creation of my new unit. Now let's make him walk around in circles! Now let's press all the spell buttons which are deactivated, so they don't do anything. Ahhh, POWER!")
I think you would like the game Majesty.

Here's proof to that end.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I would just like to see you do more with things, I guess. That's all!
You know what I would like to see you do? (Well, not you specifically.) (Well, ALSO you specifically.) Quit projecting your own desires, drives, and moral structure onto other people, and let them just live their lives however the fuck they want to.

I talked about this with my mother yesterday. We both live under the primary guideline "do unto others as we would have them do unto us". To that end, she's very outgoing and social and talkative and kind and always wants to be involved with people and help them out if she can, or just brighten their day, if only a little bit.

To that end, I leave people the fuck alone.
Last edited by pinback on Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Here's proof to that end.
Heh. Yes, I did find this both entertaining and familiar.

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