
Arcade Games & Cooking.

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Post by Ben »


How you like me now?

laura(from michigan)

Post by laura(from michigan) »

:: How you like me now?

Sorry ben, I dont know why you think your galaga score would make us like you any better. I think your going through a lot of different methods to try to make people like you better, when in fact you seemed pretty likeable all along, without all this video game stuff, and whatever.

Maybe you just need to relax??


Post by Ben »

It's a figure of speech. Maybe they don't have those in Michigan.

Wait a minute, who the hell is "Laura (From Michigan)"? I'm talking to cartoon characters again. Wrong base, bitch.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The possibility of an unregistered female AUTOMATICALLY means "fake cartoon character" to you, now, doesn't it Ben?

Did you ever think for a second that maybe she is my guhrl and that I am SNOGGING 'ER?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

Good point, Jones.

Sorry, laura, my deepest condolences.

How you like me NOW!??

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

No, you were right the first time.

Also, that is the first time in 14 years of my using this handle that someone has called has called me "Jones."
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

By the way, who's with me that Galaga has possibly the best music ever to come out of the "golden age" of arcade games? To wit:

1. The "Perfect!" tune (as Bruce can attest to) is monumentally satisfying.

2. The "Fighter Captured" music is *incredibly* complex, and made only more impressive by the fact that the "Fighter Recovered" music is exactly the same, except redone in a major, vs. minor key. The minor version is tense (reflecting the state of mind of a space army that just got a fighter captured), and the major version is triumphant. In fact, I had a guy ask me about what the difference was between a major and a minor chord, or key. I think Galaga is a nearly perfect example about how those two concepts affect music, and the person listening to them.

This from a fucking WUMPUS game, fer chrissakes.

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Post by bruce »

Ben wrote:By the way, who's with me that Galaga has possibly the best music ever to come out of the "golden age" of arcade games?
I gotta go with the electro-pop stereo version of Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor that fuels <i>Gyruss</i> (with that booming bass track, too....OH yeah), but I'll give Galaga second place.
Ben wrote: To wit:

1. The "Perfect!" tune (as Bruce can attest to) is monumentally satisfying.

2. The "Fighter Captured" music is *incredibly* complex, and made only more impressive by the fact that the "Fighter Recovered" music is exactly the same, except redone in a major, vs. minor key. The minor version is tense (reflecting the state of mind of a space army that just got a fighter captured), and the major version is triumphant. In fact, I had a guy ask me about what the difference was between a major and a minor chord, or key. I think Galaga is a nearly perfect example about how those two concepts affect music, and the person listening to them.

This from a fucking WUMPUS game, fer chrissakes.
#1 is certainly true. I can't make my head play the fighter captured music, so.....

God damn, you're right. That's really cool.


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Post by Lex »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:No, you were right the first time.
Also, that is the first time in 14 years of my using this handle that someone has called has called me "Jones."
Do you like? Does it make you feel more grown up? Do you want more of it? Go ahead, the first few are free.

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Post by AArdvark »

The best music from an arcade game was "Reactor" with its bass thumping, fuzz guitar effect. I liked Gyruss and the Bach thing, but I would stand there and keep rolling the trackball just to make the music play even wen I wasn't feeding it quay-monsters.


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Post by Lex »

You are all too old to have been "there" when it was fresh, but the music for the Amiga space-simulation Awesome was, well... Awesome. Seriously. There was also a side-scrolling shooter on that platform called "Pegasus" which I only had the demo of, Christ, I've never had a game that I could just pause and rock out to since then. Remembering those images makes me tingle - you know how things don't look quite the same when you're a kid. Maybe because your brain hasn't finished re-wiring itself into adulthood yet, but that was adtounding. There was some real deep shit on that platform, and the music was absolutly incredible. I remember recently playing the PC version of the Bitmap Brothers classic "Gods", and being seriously dissapointed at the terrible music quality when compared to the ("Real Human Speach!") "Into... the Wonderful." of the Amiga. Likewise for that wonderful intro music from Magic Pockets; the Amiga version of any classic will always shine besides its bastard brothers.
Oh christ, I really miss my Amiga.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Did anyone see my bottle of Geritol? Anyone? You DAMN KIDS.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

Are you "feeling me"?


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The "old video game font" is possibly the greatest font ever created.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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