Yes, we're at the same place here, let's keep responding! I don't trust the X-Box because they still entertain that a FPS belongs on a console. I dont' trust Nintendo because I couldn't play four player Gauntlet Legends without an expansion package. This made my older brother swear of console games completely. My only problem with Sony is that they haven't tricked all of Squaresoft and Hideo Kojima into a grisly car bomb death.Lex wrote:Worm, you dig games you like, and you're rabid about it. I don't mean that in a bad way. If a Wing Commander game came out for the PSP, utilizing it's UMD media for branching, Hamill-filled drama, I would purchase one off e-bay right now. I purchased a DS because I foresaw the rebirth of the adventure game, which has started with both a first-party release and SCUMMDS. R-Type rocks, even if the reason is just that I grew up with it, because I know in my heart other shooters are likely superior. You want to buy a platform and horde it, because it'll have what you want on it. It doesn't matter to you that what you want is sequels because, damnit, you're allowed to want whatever you like and it's a perfectly justifiable reason to buy a platform. I get all of this; I bought a NeoGeo for KoF after all.
My hatred from the Revolution is that it seems so fucking stupid, I feel that a bunch of games will not recieve licensing without heavily utilizing the gimmick of that controller, and without allowing Nintendo to create an add-on for that controller. I predict bundled add-ons, I predict chinsy plastic; and I get a little pissed that people aren't willing to boycott the thing on the possibility of a huge cluster fuck. The entire system seems to be set up to make all it's money off the add-ons.
I really don't appreciate being told I'm not in it for the fun just because I think something won't be fun. I almost don't appreciate it as much as having to play the 1812 Overture so I can't hear the bass line from another apartment's techno shit.
I don't know what pissed me off more, that they couldn't show the actors using the controllers 'traditionally' in a convincing manner, or that the controller shell is going to cost extra. Nix all that, maybe it's that they suggested I play a traditional NES game with a fucking laser pointer. I'm just not going to have fun on a console who's designers obviously don't have anywhere near the same view of gaming as me.