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Post by Worm »

Lex wrote:Worm, you dig games you like, and you're rabid about it. I don't mean that in a bad way. If a Wing Commander game came out for the PSP, utilizing it's UMD media for branching, Hamill-filled drama, I would purchase one off e-bay right now. I purchased a DS because I foresaw the rebirth of the adventure game, which has started with both a first-party release and SCUMMDS. R-Type rocks, even if the reason is just that I grew up with it, because I know in my heart other shooters are likely superior. You want to buy a platform and horde it, because it'll have what you want on it. It doesn't matter to you that what you want is sequels because, damnit, you're allowed to want whatever you like and it's a perfectly justifiable reason to buy a platform. I get all of this; I bought a NeoGeo for KoF after all.
Yes, we're at the same place here, let's keep responding! I don't trust the X-Box because they still entertain that a FPS belongs on a console. I dont' trust Nintendo because I couldn't play four player Gauntlet Legends without an expansion package. This made my older brother swear of console games completely. My only problem with Sony is that they haven't tricked all of Squaresoft and Hideo Kojima into a grisly car bomb death.

My hatred from the Revolution is that it seems so fucking stupid, I feel that a bunch of games will not recieve licensing without heavily utilizing the gimmick of that controller, and without allowing Nintendo to create an add-on for that controller. I predict bundled add-ons, I predict chinsy plastic; and I get a little pissed that people aren't willing to boycott the thing on the possibility of a huge cluster fuck. The entire system seems to be set up to make all it's money off the add-ons.

I really don't appreciate being told I'm not in it for the fun just because I think something won't be fun. I almost don't appreciate it as much as having to play the 1812 Overture so I can't hear the bass line from another apartment's techno shit.

I don't know what pissed me off more, that they couldn't show the actors using the controllers 'traditionally' in a convincing manner, or that the controller shell is going to cost extra. Nix all that, maybe it's that they suggested I play a traditional NES game with a fucking laser pointer. I'm just not going to have fun on a console who's designers obviously don't have anywhere near the same view of gaming as me.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lex »

Worm wrote: Yes, we're at the same place here, let's keep responding! I don't trust the X-Box because they still entertain that a FPS belongs on a console. I dont' trust Nintendo because I couldn't play four player Gauntlet Legends without an expansion package. This made my older brother swear of console games completely.
That would piss me off too. A lot. As much as "Atari" deciding that Arcade Classics shouldn't be able to send Warlords or even fucking Pong to another DS, because hey, *that's* how to convince people they need to buy a copy!
Worm wrote: My hatred from the Revolution is that it seems so fucking stupid, I feel that a bunch of games will not recieve licensing without heavily utilizing the gimmick of that controller, and without allowing Nintendo to create an add-on for that controller. I predict bundled add-ons, I predict chinsy plastic; and I get a little pissed that people aren't willing to boycott the thing on the possibility of a huge cluster fuck. The entire system seems to be set up to make all it's money off the add-ons.
You might be right, but "Hatred" is a bit much. There's no need to feel that kind of passion against it, it's a console, just not one for yourself. I too predict chinsy plastic, but not them making money off of it; chincy plastic will be packaged at no extra charge or for a large whack -- when games want to take advantage of something completly different, PS1-mouse style. The plastic sounds potentially fun and atleast amusing to me and many other people: If money is made, it's from the little kids who keep losing their (doubtless not actually necessary) pieces of plastic and want a replace.
Worm wrote: I don't know what pissed me off more, that they couldn't show the actors using the controllers 'traditionally' in a convincing manner, or that the controller shell is going to cost extra. Nix all that, maybe it's that they suggested I play a traditional NES game with a fucking laser pointer. I'm just not going to have fun on a console who's designers obviously don't have anywhere near the same view of gaming as me.
To be fair the movie was based around showing a new control method, I would have found it odd if half the video was people sitting down and just using it as a standard controller; they're trying to bring people's attention to the new thing. The control shell costing extra is a retarded idea, and I hope they decide to have it in-box instead. It wouldn't be necessary if the second bit they're thinking of boxing with the unit has some buttons in it: If it has a second trigger then the Rev can already support most 3rd party games, but if it's just a stick for walkin' they better have some solution in the box. As for "Playing a NES game with a fucking laser pointer", the lower half of the controller has an A-B button set a the bottom; when turned 90 degrees it's exactly like a NES pad. If you're talking about Mario, think who're they're selling to: Without showing an image they create a very moving memory with the sound of Mario jumping. It's unlikely anything except a shitty platformer from the bargain bin of a foreign developer would actually use it that way. You don't have to buy one, and the people who do will doubtless either get a great deal of fun out of them or return them, either way they're really not hurting you. It won't affect your PS3 when I buy Wario Ware Waved or whatever crazy flavour-of-the-month is. It's clear that Nintendo are building a very specific platform for 1st-party games, and that's always been enough in the passed. It worked with the DS, which has sold million upon million. The people who buy the Revolution know what to expect, and they either want it or are children, and will enjoy what they're given or curse their parents for buying the wrong Christmas present, as is their right.

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Post by Worm »

Worm wrote: My hatred from the Revolution is that it seems so fucking stupid, I feel that a bunch of games will not recieve licensing without heavily utilizing the gimmick of that controller, and without allowing Nintendo to create an add-on for that controller. I predict bundled add-ons, I predict chinsy plastic; and I get a little pissed that people aren't willing to boycott the thing on the possibility of a huge cluster fuck. The entire system seems to be set up to make all it's money off the add-ons.
You might be right, but "Hatred" is a bit much. There's no need to feel that kind of passion against it, it's a console, just not one for yourself.
Come on man, I'm bored, I'm 20, and I'm on the net. Annoyance becomes hatred and anything I really hate I pretend to like so no one can lay that "INTERNET SERIOUS BUSINESS" line on me.
I too predict chinsy plastic, but not them making money off of it; chincy plastic will be packaged at no extra charge or for a large whack -- when games want to take advantage of something completly different, PS1-mouse style. The plastic sounds potentially fun and atleast amusing to me and many other people: If money is made, it's from the little kids who keep losing their (doubtless not actually necessary) pieces of plastic and want a replace.
The whole premise just seems like the anatomy of consumer rape. I guess we can see what they do do.

As for the extra stuff not costing anything. The price of design(it would be silly if every add-on was merely cosmetic), extra packing, extra manufacturing, to make the bux off sales that the other guys are making they simply will have to charge more for any game that has something bundled with it. Unless it's a case where they are looking at making it up by selling more than they thought they would without the included crap. Though only launch titles and very popular games could manage that.
Worm wrote: I don't know what pissed me off more, that they couldn't show the actors using the controllers 'traditionally' in a convincing manner, or that the controller shell is going to cost extra. Nix all that, maybe it's that they suggested I play a traditional NES game with a fucking laser pointer. I'm just not going to have fun on a console who's designers obviously don't have anywhere near the same view of gaming as me.
To be fair the movie was based around showing a new control method, I would have found it odd if half the video was people sitting down and just using it as a standard controller; they're trying to bring people's attention to the new thing. The control shell costing extra is a retarded idea, and I hope they decide to have it in-box instead. It wouldn't be necessary if the second bit they're thinking of boxing with the unit has some buttons in it: If it has a second trigger then the Rev can already support most 3rd party games, but if it's just a stick for walkin' they better have some solution in the box.
Yeah, I'm speaking of the analog stick add-on which is the revolutions "traditional controller" mode. I just don't see how in lieu of a controller shell the thing can work in a "traditional" manner.

Without showing an image they create a very moving memory with the sound of Mario jumping. It's unlikely anything except a shitty platformer from the bargain bin of a foreign developer would actually use it that way.
Yeah, I know who they're selling to it well enough. They're selling it to 'not worm'. That's probably why the laser pointer shit pisses me off.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lysander »

worm wrote:My hatred from the Revolution is that it seems so fucking stupid, I feel that a bunch of games will not recieve licensing without heavily utilizing the
gimmick of that controller, and without allowing Nintendo to create an add-on for that controller.
Obviously, you aren't reading the same websites that I do. I really don't have the time to cite it now but, I do remember THQ and (blegh) EA (among others) slavering about getting to use this thing. And porting-wise, the code bases of Sony and Xbox are almost arbitrarily completely opposite, so porting anything to anything is going to be a pin in the ass. If anything that helps Nintendo because while $ony and Microshaft are doing it to fuck over the competition, Nintendo does it just because their conosles are fundamentally different from the other two. Now developers have an actual reason to port to a console that's not "to reach a bigger market"; third parties that take the time to use the features of the Rev will really win out over those who don't.

Lex: I actually hate gaming on teh PC, because I can't use a mouse and for hte most part the keyboard gets unweildy. I loved it for old (er) 3d shooters and platformers but trying to do much else (especially with all the stuff they try to throw into a game these days) is pretty much an excersise in futility for me. I was just making the point that if you're only going to make your console choice based on the graphics chip than you're a fucking idiot because the dude's probably got a PC collecting dust in the corner of his living room that's already better than the PS3. I don't have an HDTV, and I am not going to get an HDTV. Even if I could see I would still not be getting an HDTV, because I don't give a shit. I demand--DEMAND--that before anyone even starts glancing in the vague direction of HDTV, developers actually start putting in enough objects to look at that looking at them in high-def is worthwhile. What's the point of looking at an environment in high definition if all the programmers put in was a long expanse of desert? I want to see developers putting in so much shit to look at that the PS2 starts getting fucking slowdown. Until you're hitting limits on things you can actually see I don't want them to look any prettier. It's about how detailed your shit is, not about how shiny your boring-ass backgrounds are. Dammit. Everything on these new consoles is all about potential. How many games do you think will actually use everything you can use on these thigns? How many of these games actually used everythign you could use on the current consoles? Halo II for Xbox and GTA:S for the PS2. And RE4 for the Gamecube. I like that, how Capcom's exclusivity slave contract is the only way that anyone can get anything good to come out of hte Gamecube. Nintendo is absolutely right in scaling back their machine. No one who doesn't realize that they're underpowered is oging to notice because if you use the Rev's capabilities to its limmits you'll still be getting the same shit that people continue to go all googily-eyed over, but that is actually developers being lazy and not using hardware to its fullest extent.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

For the record:

I don't have a PSP nor do I have plans to buy one. Were I planning on a handheld today, though, I think I'd be insane to choose anything else. However, I don't have any interest in a handheld system at this time.

As for hating Nintendo - gee, that's funny, I've owned three NESs and bought Straw's GBA SP for the wife (who still gets a good amount of use out of it.) However, I think the DS is dumb ("gimmick" is always a bad thing after the first couple minutes, and that stupid second screen is a pretty bad gimmick right off the bat) and doesn't seem to be much more powerful than a GBA... Call me old-fashioned, but if you're going to replace a console with a new one, MAKE IT MORE POWERFUL! Yes, if you want fun, you can still have a ball playing Atari 2600 games. But why buy a new console if your current one is just as good? Why buy a DS if the GBA looks nearly as good and most DS games ignore the second screen? How many times can they resell it? GBA, GBA SP, that mini GBA (forgot the name), and the DS is basically two GBAs glued together.

The Revolution is a piece of garbage because they came up with the stupidest, most insulting controller ever. OK, Aunt Martha might figure out how to play Bass Fishing 2006 but no current gamer would be caught dead with that dumb thing. The console will be one of the biggest failures ever.

As for Castlevania - best version ever is Dracula X for the TurboDuo/TurboGrafx (PC Engine to you Europeans)... never been topped.

As for Lex's characterization, if I was purely about the technology, then chances are that I would not like classic games and would be a big Doom 3 fan. Neither is true - and back in '96, I loved Duke3D and hated Quake, because Duke3D was fun and Quake - while true 3D and all that shit - was a lousy, unfun game. I dislike Id games because they like making tech demos rather than fun games. I loved Far Cry because it was beautiful AND it was a fun game.

To this day, I also still admit to liking Sin and Requiem: Avenging Angel, because they're FUN, dammit.

Oh, and current games do use full HDTV stuff, on the PC. Just play at a high resolution with the details turned up... but few PCs can churn out those kind of resolutions at decent speeds. The PS3 will be more powerful, I believe, that all but the most high-end PCs at the time of its release. Of course, two years later, it'll be a different story.

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Post by Worm »

Lysander wrote:
worm wrote:My hatred from the Revolution is that it seems so fucking stupid, I feel that a bunch of games will not recieve licensing without heavily utilizing the
gimmick of that controller, and without allowing Nintendo to create an add-on for that controller.
Obviously, you aren't reading the same websites that I do. I really don't have the time to cite it now but, I do remember THQ and (blegh) EA (among others) slavering about getting to use this thing.
And porting-wise, the code bases of Sony and Xbox are almost arbitrarily completely opposite, so porting anything to anything is going to be a pin in the ass.
Is this from those websites?
If anything that helps Nintendo because while $ony and Microshaft are doing it to fuck over the competition, Nintendo does it just because their conosles are fundamentally different from the other two. Now developers have an actual reason to port to a console that's not "to reach a bigger market"; third parties that take the time to use the features of the Rev will really win out over those who don't.
'Those features' suck though.

Also, JQW hates quake, h0h0h0h0
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lysander » ... tml?tag=nl

I'd just like to take this moment to wiggle my fingers at you in a very smug, self-satisfied "na na na, told you so" manner.

(What's a little unclear from that article is the fact that also missing from the lower price-point machine is the wireless networking and flash media slots, as well as the HDMI output--so in other words you can spend 500 dollars on a machine and still not actually get the full HD quality on the Bleu Ray discs.)

oo, but new controler! That's a total ripoff of the Wii! Who was that saying that it was a retarded idea now? i'm just waiting for Worm to come in and say that while Nintendo's doing this was retarded and wrong, Sony's doing this is the best design decision evar~.

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Post by Worm »

No. Z Vector mice are the dumbest idea, no matter if they're hooked up to a game console or your mom. Furthermore, a controller that reacts when you turn it is totally different than the fucking wiitroller, and was already done by Playstation for a piece of shit steering wheel controller.

It's pretty obvious that consoles have to recover that huge fixed cost somewhere else than games now. PS3 is doing it with charging more, Wii is doing it with a billion controller add-ons, and the 360 is doing it by making a last-gen and a half console.

I like DMC, SHMUPS, and to some extent MGS. I'm going to sit and wait for the price drop. I don't want to play games with a fucking TV remote hooked and I don't want a 360.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lysander »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:You might learn some things - like, LEX, that the Xbox is the only one of the three NOT to include 802.11 wireless out of the box, it'll be an optional component.
How does it feel to have reality bitchslap you in the face?

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:For the record, Jonsey, the X360 comes out in November, the PS3 comes out in Spring 06 - a mere QUARTER later.
Or November.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah, some of the predictions in here aren't exactly what you might call "Vegas worthy." I am going to check and see what retarded comments I made. Hopefully none. Is this the one where I said that the original Xbox should have had Counter-strike as a launch title? Because they eventually did make that an Xbox game and I felt very, very happy about it.

(They also made the Bard's Tale as an Xbox title. I recommended that they do that as well, but they bastardized the Bard's Tale until it was a completely different kind of game. So I either get full points or no points. None? Yeah, none.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Draal »

Xbox 2, PS3, Wii... Back catalogs yo. This is the first complete generation of systems that can actively sell games from their previous incarnations - the average game costs how many millions to produce and now EVERY GAME created for their specific line of systems can be sold and marketed and resold for... Forever.

It'll be interesting to see if new games at the $60+ tag can still move when their competing with older games at the $20 pricepoint.

Does it feel like love or sex when the ball drops and your in an EB clutching with sweaty palms that huge cardboard box containing a smaller plastic box filled with silicon that will give you the ability to blast people in the face in about seventy different ways (each costing at least $50)?

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Post by Lysander »

Uh, i don't really thiunk that peopel are getting, say, an xbox 360 so that they can then go out and buy xbox games. They're getting it so that they can still play their old (er) games plus new ones on teh same console--so they don't have to have so many goddamn consoles lying around, which is why, incidentally, normal people aren't interested in getting all three. Me, I'm getting a Wii, because the wackyness of everything associated to it will mean that if a game sells well its' because it's a good game, not for any other reason--and, I mean, the Wii has sega. So I already konw i can get SOnic CD if the Wii ends up delivering absolutely nothing at all.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I don't even know what media the hahaha Wii will take. Is it taking those stupid little DVDs that the Gamecube took?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Draal »

My first thought upon seeing the Gamecube discs were...

"Ninja stars!" and I pelted my brother with $50 plastic discs.

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Post by Lysander »

I'm a little unclear about that myself... what i do know, though, is that it's got a standard 11.5 CM slot in it. So it'll take both DVDs, and gamecube discs. I dunno which medium the Wii will actually have its games on, but if I had to take a guess I would say DVD.

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Post by Lex »

The original reports all those months ago stated DVD which seemed quaint and backward when compared to the HD-DVD 360 was going to use and Blu-Ray which PS3 is actually going to use (but which can't excuse their 1,000,000 lies in the run up to this, and every other, generation. Three Gigabit Ethernet ports, two USB ports, two HD-DVD & one Video output on the back? What happened to those Sony? Going to quietly ignore that dissipation like you do with the pre-rendered shit-stirring you take so much joy in?)

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Post by Worm »

I was searching for the end of your parenthesises to read the ened of your post! But that last parenthesis was the end of your post.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lex »

I was somewhat intoxicated.

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Post by Worm »

They released "Who's my big fat greek mom talking to know", on blue ray or something. So, could sony not be insane, or just pushig this format really hard?
Good point Bobby!

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