Is anybody the slightest bit suspicious that a bunch of Navy SEALs snuck into a highly guarded compound, killed everybody without receiving as much as a scratch, and quickly dumped the body into the ocean as a sign of respect?
Flack wrote:Is anybody the slightest bit suspicious that a bunch of Navy SEALs snuck into a highly guarded compound, killed everybody without receiving as much as a scratch, and quickly dumped the body into the ocean as a sign of respect?
No way, dude! U. S. A.!!! U. S. A.!!!! U. S. A.!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't believe that a bunch of SEALs are gonna cover up stuff for a Democratic president, nah. Unless that strike force was made up of two blacks, two Jews, a poor person and a girl.
Everyone hates Obama for whatever idiotic reason, so I am unwilling to call the death of bin Laden fake. It makes Obama's numerous moronic enemies hard just at the thought of exposing the whole ordeal as fake.