LinkMarvel are to return "Fantastic Four" back to its original renumbering (bearing in mind volumes 2 and 3), with issue 500.
Joe Quesada has mentioned before how much he'd like to return issues to their "proper" numbering. With the likes of "Amazing Spider-Man," "Avengers" and "Daredevil" also getting close to that figure, this may become a regular event in the months to come.
Restarting them at #1 was SO goddamn retarded. Everyone involved in that decision really doesn't deserve to ever work in the industry.
It really bugs me when changes are made in the comics industry that will so *obviously* be undone at a later date. Attempts to change costumes of characters who have been part of the public consciousness is one, but something like this renumber thing... that was just ridiculously stupid.
It's really just Marvel attempting to get themselves added sales for the "renumbered" #1 as well as FF's 500th. Anything but actually improving the quality of the books, I guess.