CO wrote:That "baby" was 47 years old in that picture. Don't you read the news at all?
None of you people seem to be able to read, when I have said, and more than once, that for 90% of the pictures you guys post[1] I have no idea whom you are referring to when you post a picture without identifying who is in that picture.
And the answer is no, outside of occasionally listening to
BBC World Service radio over the Internet I don't watch news. I don't subscribe to either of the two Washington, DC daily papers any more because I never get around to reading whichever one I take.
My sister called me this morning to ask for help with buying a new printer, and asked me what I thought about the story of the baby that was abducted by an alligator from a lagoon at
Walt Disney World / Epcot Center in Orlando. Her thoughts were she hoped the baby died quickly, because the way alligators kill their prey is horrible.
The two parents will probably never be right again, and it doesn't matter that Disney's failure to fence the lagoon - apparently all they had to protect people were small "no swimming" signs - could potentially leave them liable for a multi-million dollar judgment, this family has most likely been destroyed.
[1] I think I'm on safe ground saying "you guys" as I don't think Loafergirl has posted anything here.