Revenge of the Zomos

Chris H.'s Ultima / ACS-style game development system!

Moderators: Ice Cream Jonsey, joltcountry

Admiral Ackguh
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Revenge of the Zomos

Post by Admiral Ackguh »


Just as I promised!

The game is called ZOMO, and it has a README.txt and a Walkthrough.txt file.

This is not the final version. I did some testing, but it still may have bugs. Please report them to me.
- A:A:

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I will try to get you feedback on what you've given us here ASAP.

Also, would you be interested in a brief interview for publication elsewhere on its development?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by rld »

Soooooo AWESOME!

Finally we are starting to add to our completed ACK
game catalog! :)

I downloaded and verified that I could get it started with a
new game ok. Looks really fascinating so far, I will get you
some feedback as well when I have the time to do some
serious exploration. :)

Two questions:

1) Assuming that I still remember how to do it, would it
be ok if I mirrored the game package on Chris's website? Or do you want to wait until
you have a more 'final' version?

2) In the readme.txt notes, it says that the game runs
on the base ACK 3.251 release only, with no megapatch
functions needed. Just wondering if there was any
particular reason you didn't use it - did you encounter any
problems/bugs with the patch files, or was it simply that
you didn't need any of the additional functions that the
patch added?

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Post by Admiral Ackguh »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I will try to get you feedback on what you've given us here ASAP.

Also, would you be interested in a brief interview for publication elsewhere on its development?
What type of interview? In person? On a web-cam? On a chat board? If it is one where my (real) name, face, and voice are not involved, then maybe.

Otherwise, I would like to keep my anonymity, at least for now.
- A:A:

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Post by Admiral Ackguh »

rld wrote:1) Assuming that I still remember how to do it, would it be ok if I mirrored the game package on Chris's website? Or do you want to wait until
you have a more 'final' version?
Yes, as long as you say on the site that it is version 1.0.
2) In the readme.txt notes, it says that the game runs on the base ACK 3.251 release only, with no megapatch functions needed. Just wondering if there was any particular reason you didn't use it - did you encounter any problems/bugs with the patch files, or was it simply that
you didn't need any of the additional functions that the
patch added?
A) I was simply too lazy to install any patches.

B) I didn't need any of the extra features.

C) I wanted something known to run on some sort of standard - the latest official version of ACK. If it works with the patches, that's even better.
- A:A:



Post by JoeBonked »

Been having great fun with your game Admiral.
Mine has the patch and even some altered files (hAcks)
And the game still works just fine.
Real eager to get lower. But dying.
I walked on a crate and the tile changed to a food crate item.
Little critters taking forever, even with firepower.
But that's the way with it at the beginning.
I think that is weapons kill or ranged weapon skill.
Great fun!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Admiral Ackguh wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I will try to get you feedback on what you've given us here ASAP.

Also, would you be interested in a brief interview for publication elsewhere on its development?
What type of interview? In person? On a web-cam? On a chat board? If it is one where my (real) name, face, and voice are not involved, then maybe.

Otherwise, I would like to keep my anonymity, at least for now.
Just a few questions in an email and I'll post it as an article on Jolt Country.

Also, I'd like your permission to put it on the Internet Archive. I have some stuff I want to upload there and I'd love to create a section for finished ACK games!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Admiral Ackguh
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Re: Revenge

Post by Admiral Ackguh »

JoeBonked wrote:Been having great fun with your game Admiral.
Mine has the patch and even some altered files (hAcks)
And the game still works just fine.
Real eager to get lower. But dying.
I walked on a crate and the tile changed to a food crate item.
Little critters taking forever, even with firepower.
But that's the way with it at the beginning.
I think that is weapons kill or ranged weapon skill.
Great fun!
Nice to know you're having fun, Joe.

The crates release a specific supply package depending on their location, once you walk over them. Most of the ones in the House are full of food.

From my walkthrough:
Your character is an average Joe or Jane, not a mighty warrior. Keep that in mind. Nor does he/she in the course of the game have sufficient time to develop good fighting skills. Weapon skill is 20 for both melee and ranged weapons, so that means you'll have a hard time hitting anything.
Later in the game, you will find an item that boosts your to-hit chances. Some weapons, which you have yet to discover, will also give you a bonus.
- A:A:

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Post by Admiral Ackguh »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Admiral Ackguh wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I will try to get you feedback on what you've given us here ASAP.

Also, would you be interested in a brief interview for publication elsewhere on its development?
What type of interview? In person? On a web-cam? On a chat board? If it is one where my (real) name, face, and voice are not involved, then maybe.

Otherwise, I would like to keep my anonymity, at least for now.
Just a few questions in an email and I'll post it as an article on Jolt Country.
That is OK. Please send them in a personal message.
Also, I'd like your permission to put it on the Internet
Archive. I have some stuff I want to upload there and I'd love to create a section for finished ACK games!
You may do that.
- A:A:

Admiral Ackguh
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Post by Admiral Ackguh »

Ice Cream Jonsey: I still haven't seen your e-mail / personal message with those questions you wanted to ask. If you are having trouble, please say so here.
- A:A:

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Thanks for the reminder! Just sent you off a PM here at Jolt Country with three questions. :)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Admiral Ackguh
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Post by Admiral Ackguh »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Thanks for the reminder! Just sent you off a PM here at Jolt Country with three questions. :)
I answered them a few days ago.
- A:A:

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Post by rld »

Looking at some of the macros in the ZOMO game
(which is very cool, btw) and I had a question:

I see the line

SET 0 = 0

repeated in several macros. Was there a reason for this?


Admiral Ackguh
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Post by Admiral Ackguh »

rld wrote:I see the line

SET 0 = 0

repeated in several macros. Was there a reason for this?
Not in terms of program execution.

I use "SET 0=0" or any SET constant=constant as placeholders, for instructions I may insert, or points with many GOTOs. If there is a place in my macros that is the destination for GOTOs or IFs, I often put a "SET 0=0" in that place, as a reminder. Also, I can insert code after without changing the numbering in GOTOs and IFs.

If this is a macro where space is a premium, then I will skip the "SET 0=0"'s, and have every line be executable.
- A:A:

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Post by Garth's Equipment Shop »

This is so exciting!!!
Which of you is interested in my fine wares?

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