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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: LOL!

by Lysander » Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:19 pm

i'd just like to mention that RobB never did get back to the first couple of posts I left in this thread. Considering they were the best posts in the entirity of this shitty BBS's history, I find this offensive. It's because I'm blind, isn't it?

by Lysander » Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:28 pm

That post was so offensive that I'm not in the least offended by it. GG, man. GG.

by Souffle of Pain » Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:08 pm

Lysander wrote:Who the fuck are you?

It was funny before when I was linking the entirety of to this thread and watching their bloodpressures explode at Robb's complete lack of understanding on the subject but, who's this dude?
How are people losing arguments to you in your own mind when you CAN'T FUCKING SEE. Jones could tell you that Blanka came out in a wheelchair and you'd be forced to agree with him. And even this is secondary to the fact that your messages read like all your keys are shifted three over.

Here's how ridiculous you sound:

Lysander: "{ uyf'' ;[n;yh l[g fgg$$"
Whoever: "Okay, pal... sure you did."
Lysander: "{ T{>!"

by Lysander » Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:09 pm

Who the fuck are you?

It was funny before when I was linking the entirety of to this thread and watching their bloodpressures explode at Robb's complete lack of understanding on the subject but, who's this dude?

by Lysander » Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:08 pm

Who the fuck are you?

It was funny before when I was linking the entirety of to this thread and watching their bloodpressures explode at Robb's complete lack of understanding on teh subject but, Go's this dude?

by Raven » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:09 pm

This topic is funny.

by Lysander » Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:19 pm

Worm wrote:Almost all school based games feature guys, like Rival Schools for example.
Not if you listen to This guy.

You know, I have this sudden craving for ice-cold lemonade, and I have no idea why.

by Worm » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:37 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:Fuck, you're forty years old, okay, we motherfucking GET IT! MK had three memorable characters if you don't count the palette switch?
Raiden and Johnny Cage were also memorable. Raiden because he was preposterous and Cage because he punched people in the gob. You'll note that I do NOT say that Lui Kang was memorable. He was just an average Asian fellow. He would have fit in perfectly in Street Fighter. Forgettable.
So, uh, five then? I remember Sagat(scar), M.Bison(hitler), Vega(homosexual), Ryu(The original cliche), Ken(looked just like the original cliche), Dhalism(limbs, made you think yoga might be cool), Blanka(Green). Yeah, others really didn't hang on. I mean I can barely remember any of the people from Third Strike or the Alpha series.
But these characters were discussed in a court of law. You have old Joe Lieberman expounding on the evil of the "rip the spine out guy," who everyone knows. I mean, be honest... you can shout out in a room of people tangentially interested in video games something like "GET OVER HERE!!!" and they will know what you're talking about. I just posted a thread in response to a dipshit ESPN anchor letting loose with a "FINISH HIM!" Mortal Kombat, like it or not, has become part of the culture. A small part, don't get me wrong, but it's nevertheless there. The people who like SF2 better are seeing this happen going, "But... but... noooo, Street Fighter is SUPERIOR!" Yeah, well, sorry but your guy lost. LOST. Sega and Nintendo weren't going to court over Street Fighter.
Mortal Kombat can have its piece of 'culture' because SF2 is part of video game 'culture' and that's the only one I can give a shit about.

Aren't there games that have nothing but fighting schoolgirls?
In those games the girls are preteen.
I stand corrected. When I am wrong in this thread and its three sisters I will admit it.
Well, just the ones I know of which is mainly the Queen of Hearts series and one based on Card captor Sakura. Almost all school based games feature guys, like Rival Schools for example.

by Lysander » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:53 pm

I remember reitterating that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I got a little fuzzy on the rest of the details.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:50 pm

Lysander wrote:WOnderful. So, plan on getting back to the other shit I said in this thread, oh, sometime in the next metazoic age?
Did you reiterate your strongest points in this one?

by Lysander » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:50 pm

WOnderful. So, plan on getting back to the other shit I said in this thread, oh, sometime in the next metazoic age?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:45 pm

Lysander wrote:Because you don't see jackasses shouting "HADOOOOOKEN!" at video game conventions, oh, EVERYWHERE.
Okay, when this is said on ESPN or CNN or The Learning Channel you let me know and we'll go "Point: White!" Hahah, even World Championship Karate gave us more to remember than shitty Street Fighter games.

by Lysander » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:19 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Mortal Kombat, like it or not, has become part of the culture. A small part, don't get me wrong, but it's nevertheless there.
Because you don't see jackasses shouting "HADOOOOOKEN!" at video game conventions, oh, EVERYWHERE.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:40 pm

Worm wrote:Fuck, you're forty years old, okay, we motherfucking GET IT! MK had three memorable characters if you don't count the palette switch?
Raiden and Johnny Cage were also memorable. Raiden because he was preposterous and Cage because he punched people in the gob. You'll note that I do NOT say that Lui Kang was memorable. He was just an average Asian fellow. He would have fit in perfectly in Street Fighter. Forgettable.

But these characters were discussed in a court of law. You have old Joe Lieberman expounding on the evil of the "rip the spine out guy," who everyone knows. I mean, be honest... you can shout out in a room of people tangentially interested in video games something like "GET OVER HERE!!!" and they will know what you're talking about. I just posted a thread in response to a dipshit ESPN anchor letting loose with a "FINISH HIM!" Mortal Kombat, like it or not, has become part of the culture. A small part, don't get me wrong, but it's nevertheless there. The people who like SF2 better are seeing this happen going, "But... but... noooo, Street Fighter is SUPERIOR!" Yeah, well, sorry but your guy lost. LOST. Sega and Nintendo weren't going to court over Street Fighter.

Aren't there games that have nothing but fighting schoolgirls?
In those games the girls are preteen.
I stand corrected. When I am wrong in this thread and its three sisters I will admit it.

by Worm » Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:11 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Lex wrote:
2) There wasn't a SINGLE memorable character in any Street Fighter game ever

I can only bear to read to Page 2; Robb is so painfully out of his element. Do you know who that is Robb? I ask because EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET DOES.
I put it in its own browser window. Distinctive Japanese school girl! She looks like every other one on the planet, except she's wearing a smidge of blue.

Not memorable, I am sorry. She's an archtype, I will grant you.

If Street Fighter put in a character who had balls for a head that would be memorable. I mean, when you're comparing to a game that had Sub-Zero, Kano, Scorpion and Goro you have to do a little more than a 14 year old schoolgirl from Tokyo that's been ripped off a million times.
Fuck, you're forty years old, okay, we motherfucking GET IT! MK had three memorable characters if you don't count the palette switch?
Aren't there games that have nothing but fighting schoolgirls?
In those games the girls are preteen.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:19 pm

Lex wrote:
2) There wasn't a SINGLE memorable character in any Street Fighter game ever

I can only bear to read to Page 2; Robb is so painfully out of his element. Do you know who that is Robb? I ask because EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET DOES.
I put it in its own browser window. Distinctive Japanese school girl! She looks like every other one on the planet, except she's wearing a smidge of blue.

Not memorable, I am sorry. She's an archtype, I will grant you.

If Street Fighter put in a character who had balls for a head that would be memorable. I mean, when you're comparing to a game that had Sub-Zero, Kano, Scorpion and Goro you have to do a little more than a 14 year old schoolgirl from Tokyo that's been ripped off a million times. Aren't there games that have nothing but fighting schoolgirls?

by Worm » Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:12 am

As for playing against people my favorites are Virtua Fighter, Tekken, and the Soul Series.

For single player I like the Golden Axe fighting game, and various cutsey japanese ones.

by Phruitcake » Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:28 am

I don't know anyone called "image hosted by tripod" either.

What I've seen so far is that 2d fighting games suck and 3d fighting games suck. What fighting games do you people like?

Barbarian 2 was the best 2d fighting game ever and you know it. It had blocking, dodging, swords and "fatalities" of a sort - and dont forget the little goblin who kicked heads about after you had cut them off.

by Lex » Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:22 pm

2) There wasn't a SINGLE memorable character in any Street Fighter game ever

I can only bear to read to Page 2; Robb is so painfully out of his element. Do you know who that is Robb? I ask because EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET DOES.

by AArdvark » Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:54 pm

Jeezus, I go away for a week and this base generates three pages on fighting games. what is the wurld coming to?

